Cranial nerve internal medicine is an internal medicine that looks at diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles.
You suspect such an illness when you are unable to move, feel, think, or remember well.
As symptoms, numbness, dizziness, poor power, difficult to walk, staggering, sniffing, pulling, sniffing, difficult to talk, double-looking things, headaches, unconscious movement of limbs, forgetfulness, impaired consciousness...There are many.
First of all, it is important to identify the disease in the neurology department that can see the whole body. After that, if bone or joint disease is the cause of numbness or paralysis, we will introduce you to orthopedic surgery, if surgery is necessary we will introduce you to neurosurgery, and mental matters will be introduced to psychiatry.
Some of the feelings include the ability to see and hear, so it can also be ophthalmological or otolaryngological.
You may want to ask your hospital in advance about which department is most appropriate for you.
Source: The Japanese Society of Neurology Major Diseases of Neurosurgery What is Neurosurgery? (Https://
* It is different from “psychiatric internal medicine” and “psychiatry”.